ATAK Training Videos

ATAK TRAINING - #1 Connect to COTAK & Channels
ATAK TRAINING - #1 Connect to COTAK & Channels

First time opening ATAK and an introduction to channels

ATAK TRAINING #2 - ATAK Maps and Commonly Used Tools
ATAK TRAINING #2 - ATAK Maps and Commonly Used Tools

Basic Introduction to the location and function of common tools

ATAK Point Dropper and GoTo Tutorial
ATAK Point Dropper and GoTo Tutorial

In this video we take a look at how to properly use the Point Dropper and GoTo Tool in ATAK.

ATAK Data Packages Tutorial
ATAK Data Packages Tutorial

In this video we cover how to create, send, and upload data packages in ATAK.

ATAK Offline Maps Tutorial
ATAK Offline Maps Tutorial

We cover how to download and utilize offline maps in ATAK.

Data Sync Plugin Installation and Subscriptions
Data Sync Plugin Installation and Subscriptions

In this video we cover how to download the Data Sync plugin and subscribe to missions.

ATAK Data Sync Feed Creation Tutorial
ATAK Data Sync Feed Creation Tutorial

In this tutorial we cover how to create feeds using the ATAK Data Sync Plugin.

AirTAK Setup and Configuration
AirTAK Setup and Configuration

In this video we showcase how to set up AirTAK devices in conjunction with ATAK. This workflow requires AirTAK hardware, available here:

This site is BETA and is operating in test and evaluation mode.