iTAK Training Videos

iTAK TRAINING #1 - Setup iTAK and Connect to COTAK Server
iTAK TRAINING #1 - Setup iTAK and Connect to COTAK Server

Information on how to download iTAK, set it up, and connect to the COTAK Server and turn on a channel for communication

iTAK TRAINING #2 - iTAK Interface & Commonly Used Tools
iTAK TRAINING #2 - iTAK Interface & Commonly Used Tools

Information on how to use and interpret the map in iTAK, and how to operate commonly used tools

iTAK Data Packages Tutorial
iTAK Data Packages Tutorial

In this tutorial we cover how to create and share data packages in iTAK via the server and contacts tool.

iTAK Data Sync Tutorial
iTAK Data Sync Tutorial

In this tutorial we cover how to subscribe and create data feeds using the Data Sync tool in iTAK.

iTAK Importing KML's Tutorial
iTAK Importing KML's Tutorial

In this quick video we discuss how to import KML's into iTAK. As of spring 2024, iTAK does not support the sharing of KML files through Data Sync feeds. In the mean time use the layers tool to quickly import KML files.

AirTAK Setup and Configuration
AirTAK Setup and Configuration

In this video we showcase how to set up AirTAK devices. This workflow requires AirTAK hardware, available here:

Add Map Data
Add Map Data

Add map data like trail KMLs

iTAK - Add Map Source
iTAK - Add Map Source

Adding additional map sources requires an .xml file. See the Useful Links page for two of our favorites to download before returning to this video

This site is BETA and is operating in test and evaluation mode.